Thoughts and green tea

Hi... today I embark on this journey of interacting with the world. Let it be an intro type of a blog today. Why Thoughts... because I have had a whole lot of thoughts... streaming... some connected.. some haywire...
Then why GreenTea... because its ahealthy drink. No sugar, no milk... and such huge variety of flavours I discovered when I started the search. You see, making green tea is an experience in itself; more heat less water, it becomes strong; more water less heat, its too bland... 
So you see its like life... we go through life doing what everyone does, what we have learned, what we think is the best, but a little more here, we land in trouble, a little less there, life becomes boring...

I have recently started dring this green tea, and had a vision about life,. well not exactly,, ahem... It was green tea.. not meditation..  well I think its not easy to live life  happy healthyand full.. but then maybe with a perfect balance it is possible.!! 
To bring that balance, I have been introspecting, and want to share my thoughts and green tea experience with all. And there are so many other things I want to share, hope I am able to.. 
so see you in my next blog.. 
till then take tea.. green tea...  au revoire...


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