father's day

I had a dream...
Papa, my dear papa smiling at me 
All of us enjoying a lazy sunday...
Wait... I wake up... It's 4 am, 
Oh, but he's not here
He is nowhere... He is with God...
Must be cooking him delicious dishes...

The pain the yearning oh what do I do...
Wish I could discuss all the problems
He was always the one with solutions
If there were no solutions, still he was near
Cause a father always says.. I am here na
Why do you fear ...

Yes that's how father's are...
Mom we need I am always sure
But father's, they give and never show
They protect, love and cherish the kids
But let mom take the credit for all this

When he returns from office
He takes another role
All are waiting to bombard him with complaints of the day
He is now a judge to whom they all pray
He has to listen to think and negotiate
Mom says scold them don't be late
He winks at children or may even scold
He has to be best diplomat so he is told...

Toiling to earn a living and spending it all on us
Buying first for family never creating a fuss
Showing his softest when bowing to our every demand, our every whim
But turning into a wall to protect his kin
From being a guardian to becoming a guard
Softest of soft and hardest of hard

A daughter is his princess she is his doll
He fiercely protects his darling from evil all
A son is his prince in early years
Becomes a friend when he reaches dad's ears
He loves it best when his family is near...

Did you know he also has his moments?
He also feels sad, may want to cry but never comments ?
Never he shows us see his tears
He wants to set the best example
We shouldn't get the wrong idea, he fears

But when his darling daughter becomes a bride
That's when his feelings he can't hide
That's when they all see his vulnerability
His tears, his fears, his insecurity
He is a host to his daughter's in-laws 
Indulging them as if they are God's
He has to organize and manage an event
For which he saved from day she was born
He is proud, he is happy
Yet his eyes are wet his heart is heavy and torn

The fathers are silent support
They are the pillar of family
An icon for his kids, strength to his wife
Trying to fulfill everyone's needs in life 
His grandchildren dearer to him than his kids
Creating a heaven within the four walls
He eagerly awaits whole day to receive their calls

The real value of father is known 
When he is not there anymore
The more you need the more it is felt
His absence and the previleges he dealt
You miss his love his I had a dream...
Papa, my dear papa smiling at me 
All of us enjoying a lazy sunday...
Wait... I wake up... It's 4 am, 
Oh, but he's not here
He is nowhere... He is with God...
Must be cooking him delicious dishes...

The pain the yearning oh what do I do...
Wish I could discuss all the problems
He was always the one with solutions
If there were no solutions, still he was near
Cause a father always says.. I am here na
Why do you fear ...

Yes that's how father's are...
Mom we need I am always sure
But father's, they give and never show
They protect, love and cherish the kids
But let mom take the credit for all this

When he returns from office
He takes another role
All are waiting to bombard him with complaints of the day
He is now a judge to whom they all pray
He has to listen to think and negotiate
Mom says scold them don't be late
He winks at children or may even scold
He has to be best diplomat so he is told...

Toiling to earn a living and spending it all on us
Buying first for family never creating a fuss
Showing his softest when bowing to our every demand, our every whim
But turning into a wall to protect his kin
From being a guardian to becoming a guard
Softest of soft and hardest of hard

A daughter is his princess she is his doll
He fiercely protects his darling from evil all
A son is his prince in early years
Becomes a friend when he reaches dad's ears
He loves it best when his family is near...

Did you know he also has his moments?
He also feels sad, may want to cry but never comments ?
Never he shows us see his tears
He wants to set the best example
We shouldn't get the wrong idea, he fears

But when his darling daughter becomes a bride
That's when his feelings he can't hide
That's when they all see his vulnerability
His tears, his fears, his insecurity
He is a host to his daughter's in-laws 
Indulging them as if they are God's
He has to organize and manage an event
For which he saved from day she was born
He is proud, he is happy
Yet his eyes are wet his heart is heavy and torn

The fathers are silent support
They are the pillar of family
An icon for his kids, strength to his wife
Trying to fulfill everyone's needs in life 
His grandchildren dearer to him than his kids
Creating a heaven within the four walls
He eagerly awaits whole day to receive their calls

The real value of father is known 
When he is not there anymore
The more you need the more it is felt
His absence and the previleges he dealt
You miss his love his teachings you idolised
You miss all that he symbolised
So indulge him love him while he is around...
Not just a day in June...

Happy father's day... 



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