whims of a little girl

Earliest memory of school is the buggy... Small variation of tricycle covered vehicle in which kids are taken to school in india..
I wanted to go to school because I wanted to have a joyride on the buggy just like my brother. And the selection criteria of the school where I wanted to go ... A PIANO... Yes when we went to see the school, the principal sir, a very enterprising man, showed me the grand piano and I knew this was to my school. 

Mom knows the best. She knew I would ignore the school once the initial furore dies... So I was admitted to the nearest school, with lowest fee and ofcourse my choice ,a la piano, was taken into account.

Here then started my first experience of school. My next day's tiffin was decided by what my dear friend had bought today. Everyday she would get to know the whole day's routine because a certain chhaya became a teacher after returning and she would take attendance and use a wooden footruler to teach the poor mattress... Phatack phatack would go the footruler.. and she learnt about the latest teaching practices and the horrible punishments just as they were enacted by teacher chhaya at home , copy of all that happened in school. 

I also enjoyed talking to other kids, eating tiffin. But used to wait  when I would get to play the dear dear piano... every day I would wait wait and wait. Ofcourse little 5 year old me failed to understand why when it was initially advertised, but now no one allows us mere little ones to go near it.

So then slowly and steadily, the excitement faded... Buggy wala never let me sit on the 2 fascinating seats outer side where you could deal the air, piano I could just see not play or practice... So that school lost its charm... And so the next thing started interesting me and I stopped going to school slowly and the short school going era came to a happy ending... For I was now happy in crafts at home. 


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