remember news in train

I was looking out the train window
a small child was sitting in opposite seat
was asking his granny
why do people shout on tv
why is there no fun in news any...

his granny thought a while
she said why are you concerned
you watch your cartoons and enjoy
but I wish to be a news anchor
the child cried, only they always shout
the granny found very funny
the little child's sad pout...

I started thinking, when I was a child
we used to have one news piece at night
that too very formal lady or gentlemen
read the news like they read a lesson...

all used to wait for the news
no body questioned it's authenticity
nowadays we don't believe, it's a pity
it used to be a mixed bag of information
from official to sports to even fun...

the highest officials of the state
were mentioned with due respect
no sensation gimmick or stunt
pure information we used to get...

But doesn't the film and tv reflect us
They show only what a viewer watches
To increase their viewership
They are also board the same ship
What the society wants so it gets
The society has to make a choice
Only then all will be very nice
Increase the quality, then entice....

© cmcb


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