
father's day

I had a dream... Papa, my dear papa smiling at me  All of us enjoying a lazy sunday... Wait... I wake up... It's 4 am,  Oh, but he's not here He is nowhere... He is with God... Must be cooking him delicious dishes... The pain the yearning oh what do I do... Wish I could discuss all the problems He was always the one with solutions If there were no solutions, still he was near Cause a father always says.. I am here na Why do you fear ... Yes that's how father's are... Mom we need I am always sure But father's, they give and never show They protect, love and cherish the kids But let mom take the credit for all this When he returns from office He takes another role All are waiting to bombard him with complaints of the day He is now a judge to whom they all pray He has to listen to think and negotiate Mom says scold them don't be late He winks at children or may even scold He has to be best diplomat so he is told... Toiling to earn a living and spending it all on u

Letter to the wedding...

Dear wedding You are now entering the 9 th year, it being your 8th anniversary, popular as the bronze anniversary. Congratulations both of you made it to here.  Bronze, you know dear, is an alloy of copper and tin. It means after all these years, the husband and wife are united in spirit, thoughts and actions like an alloy of family.  They absorb and understand each other's qualities and also give to the marriage their own thoughts and ideas. This precious understanding over the years strengthens the bond of marriage. I am not saying you won't fight ever again or that your arguments will stop forever. But I hope by now you have agreed to disagree. You must be equipped with the defence artillary, I mean by now you will know what the other will say or do. And you will be able to use that knowledge productively to quash the fights. You will also learn by now how to appease each other after a fight.  But now starts the stage where you can drown in the sea of familiarity and warines

remember news in train

I was looking out the train window a small child was sitting in opposite seat was asking his granny why do people shout on tv why is there no fun in news any... his granny thought a while she said why are you concerned you watch your cartoons and enjoy but I wish to be a news anchor the child cried, only they always shout the granny found very funny the little child's sad pout... I started thinking, when I was a child we used to have one news piece at night that too very formal lady or gentlemen read the news like they read a lesson... all used to wait for the news no body questioned it's authenticity nowadays we don't believe, it's a pity it used to be a mixed bag of information from official to sports to even fun... the highest officials of the state were mentioned with due respect no sensation gimmick or stunt pure information we used to get... But doesn't the film and tv reflect us They show only what a viewer watches To increase their viewership They are also b

what it teaches us-- an assassination

  A calm Sunday evening was filled with sadness, dread and shock at the news of a modern singer's death by assassination. A young single son of an old widow killed mercilessly by assailants. And to think till one day back he had the protection of body guards. How the killers must have planned and waited patiently to strike just at his weakest moment.  The fact that he was killed within a day of retracting his security, it raises questions in one's mind. Why remove the whole team of security from him. Why not decrease the persons slowly and keep him under observation for a while and only then remove the security. Or better still, why take away the security at all?  It also teaches us what are such decisions based on who gets the security and who doesn't. How do you decide who is actually in danger and who is asking for it just as a show off.  There is also the concern of personal note. People should take care who they are dealing with. How even a single speach, action or wor

बिन कहानी की कविता

आज बैठी मैं लिखने कुछ समझ ना आया क्या हुआ, एक भी खयाल ना आया ज़ेहन में  अरे ख़त्म हुआ writco का सफर क्या? सोचा लिखूं एक कहानी  कुछ नई सी या कुछ पुरानी डरावनी सी रात की कहानी लिखुं या बच्चों की प्यारी वाणी लिखुं  कहानी तो लंबी होगी लिखते लिखते थक ना जाऊं आंखों को भी ध्यान लगाऊं...  फिर सोचा एक कविता लिखी जाए क्या करें जब शीर्षक ही न सुझाए हास्य प्रेम या रहस्य, कौन सा रस, दिमाग बोला  आज नहीं आज मेरी बस हिंदी में qoute बनाऊं ऐसा सोचा आज दिमाग में पक्का है कोइ लोचा खिड़की के बाहर का पेड़ मुझपे है हस्ता बंद कर ले आज का बोरिया बस्ता रविवार है आराम कर जरा सा चाय पी पकोड़े खा बाहर निकल पवन का ले मजा रविवार की शाम घर में,  है सजा अरे, प्रिय पाठक, मेरे यहां ठंडी है मस्त  बैंगलोर आई हूं, बारिश हो रही जबरदस्त शिमला मनाली से ज़्यादा ठंडक  एक दिन मज़े कर क्यों नहीं मानता ऐसे में सोचा कॉफी और केक खाया जाए जाऊं बाज़ार यह सब लाया जाए अरे यह क्या, कविता तो फिर भी बन गई पसंद आई तो बताइएगा इनाम में चाय पकोड़े कॉफी केक पायिएगा... © cmcb

Summer Vacations Revisited...

Every year in the month of May, my heart starts to feel the emptiness. It yearns for something more. Its when I see ads for Summer Camps, then I realize I want " MY SUMMER VACATIONS".... No, not the adult vacations...!!! It's the total packaged childhood summer vacations that we used to enjoy.  Aah those days..!!! Just before summer vacations we used to have our "quick test" in school. A quick summary of all that we had learned in the first month and a half. It used to become the climax just before the fun and frolic of summers begins.  I, for one, used to spend the first two weeks finishing the holiday homework. Of course, I didn't want to be bothered with all the tension while I was at Nanu's, right?  All the subjects, I used to diligently work through. Actually I have always loved reading, studying and writing. So I never got bored doing the work. The second anticipated thing of holidays was the video games. Mario, Contra, Star wars… My brother used

किस्सा एक सुबह का

आओ सुनाऊं किस्सा एक सुबह का, एक भुलक्कड़ पति और एक पत्नी का, पति निकला नौकरी को जल्दी जल्दी, आनन फानन उठा ले गया पत्नी की डायरी, बिन देखे ये आफत क्या करदी. पत्नी आई नजर घुमाई, अरे रे... कहां गई सखी मेरी भाई, फिर दिमाग दौड़ाया, खयाल आया, ले गए अपने ऑफिस की सोच, मेरे पति मेरी डायरी,  पढ़ लेंगे सब मेरी शायरी... पत्नी का दिल डूबा, सांसे फूली,पसीना आया, सबसे पहले फोन मिलाया, अजी सुनते हो, क्या किया ये कांड, छोड़ गए अपनी को,  ले गए मेरी डायरी, लौटा दो अब मेरी सखी, मेरे हृदय की बातें सारी, सब शिकायतें  सब अरमान सब टीसें मैंने उसमें रखी..  बॉस कहेगा डायरी लाओगे, क्या करोगे क्या दिखाओगे, लगाओ कुछ तिकड़म, मेरी लौटाओ  खुद की ले जाओ... पति बिचारे हारे हारे, दिमाग चलाई, रिक्शा भिजवाई, मेरी डायरी लौटाई, भला मानस था, इनकी डायरी भिजवाई, ट्रेन जाए इस से पहले मिल गई इनको जैसे डूबते को सहारा हो जिनको.. फोन आया बोले सॉरी, आगे न दोहराऊंगा, समय से उठूंगा , तैयार हो के, अपने ऑफिस की ही चीज़ें उठाऊंगा... मुझे न कहो सॉरी, धन्यवाद कहो उन भैया को जिनकी रिक्शा काम आई, बॉस की डांट से तुम्हे दिया बचाई, जाओ ऑफिस आरा